Saliva Hormone Testing
Concerned About Your Hormonal Health?
Test your hormone levels in the comfort and privacy of your own home. No needles required! Painless and accurate, our saliva hormone testing kits provide you state-of-the-art hormone testing without a trip to the doctor. Available for both women and men!

Which hormones can be tested?
The following hormones can be tested from a single saliva sample:
- Estrogens (Estriol, Estradiol, Estrone)
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Cortisol
- Thyroid
In the comfort and privacy of your home simply collect a small sample of your saliva, fill out a simple form and send off the sample in a prepaid UPS envelope to our testing laboratory. Then in about 10 – 14 business days your results will arrive back at our pharmacy.
What next?
Our pharmacist will be glad to review your results with you and forward the test results on to you and/or your physician.
If your tests indicate a hormonal imbalance or deficiency, our pharmacists can work up a suggested Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) prescription, customized to your individual needs. This suggested prescription is forwarded to your physician for their review and approval.
Then simply have your physician phone or fax in your approved BHRT prescription. Our skilled compounding pharmacists will then prepare your customized BHRT prescription.