Veterinary Compounding

As a pet owner, you want your pet to receive the highest-quality veterinary care.
You want them to have treatment as sophisticated and compassionate as you might receive yourself. You’re not alone. Today’s veterinarians realize that pet owners are very knowledgeable, and expect a more advanced level of care.
Why should you consider compounding as a solution for your pet’s medical problems?
That can be answered with another question: how hard is it to get your cat to swallow a pill?

Veterinary compounding – making medication a treat for your pet.
The practice of pharmacy compounding is becoming a popular solution to veterinary problems. Compounding is the art and science of preparing customized medications for patients. Its resurgence in recent years extends valuable benefits to today’s pet owners. Animals often have variations of the same diseases humans can have, including skin rashes, eye and ear infections, heart conditions, cancer, and diabetes. Medicating pets presents unique problems that often are best dealt with through compounding.